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Bulletin Board

Major forum updates and overhauls will be posted right here. Expect about one post a month!
Affiliation? Advertisements? All your plugging needs can be handled right over this way!

Member Handbook

Here, you'll find your list of rules and regulations! If you have any questions about the roleplay and how it functions, ask them here and we'll add them to the FAQ!
The roleplay's plot and how it advances will be posted here. From beginning to end, I'll archive each and every major event!

Character Corner

Profiles that have been approved are moved to this board! Check out our crew!
Monster? Human? Come right over here to create a character of your very own to fit into our story!
Do you want control over a character originally from the game? Or perhaps you want a plot-relevant role for your OC! Both can be found right over here.

The Underground

The fallen remains of a once-great city. Now buried far into the underground and sealed behind a mighty door, it does offer a tiny peek of the barrier above. Not many live here, but the ones who do make the most of life.
The cold area east of the locked door to the Ruins. Covered in thick evergreen forest and lots of ice and (you guessed it!) snow, it's actually a rather cheery place thanks to the lively community of Snowdin Town. The majority of the Royal Guard act as sentries in this stretch of land.
A rather beautiful marshland filled with winding rivers and cascades, it's populated by a sparse number of monsters- mostly ones that like their environments dank and wet. It's famous for the mysterious Echo Flower- a crystallized plant that can repeat words spoken near it. Rumor has it that an odd village with even odder residents is somewhere around...
A slightly unsafe cavern filled with magma, sliding elevators (horizontivators?) and tile puzzles, it's ironically home to the largest school in the Underground. MTT Resort, a hotel-turned-apartment complex, is the home of many monsters that live in the area, though some have abodes of their own. Not to mention the odd laboratory that stands between here and Hotland.
The Underground's primary power source, it is a reactor plant that provides geothermal-electical energy to every home. Its insides are a winding mess of mesh cages, wires and steam. It stretches far into the air, and smells oddly of ozone.
... Give the king a break, all right? He's not good with names. Anyway, New Home is a large city connecting to Hotland, normally reachable by elevator. Home to an abundant number of monsters, houses, schools, and other formations, it is also the location of King Asgore's castle!

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